Well it has started. The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) has begun to terminate department members over Covid-19 vaccinations. As reported by the Los Angeles Daily News, two LAPD officers were fired following recent “Board of Rights” administrative hearings. The terminations were reported by the LAPD at the Los Angeles Police Commission meeting held on Tuesday, 8 March 2022. These two officers join another LAPD officer, who was previously terminated on 8 February 2022. The firings are based upon the failure of the accused officers to comply with the Covid-19 vaccine mandate for Los Angeles city employees. Such controversial vaccine mandates have faced increased questioning over efficacy, safety, autonomy concerning personal healthcare choices, as well as individual and religious liberty. Seven additional LAPD officers, and four civilian department members, face termination hearings in the coming weeks. For months, governmental actions, including vaccine, masking and social distancing mandates, as well as lockdowns and forced business and school closures have come under challenge at the federal, state and local levels. More recently, these actions have been substantially rolled back. Here is a “cops ask questions” question: Is Los Angeles safer after these terminations?
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes
LA Terminations Brief
Back in August 2021, the Los Angeles City Council passed an ordinance compelling all city workers to take one of the (still to this day) experimental Covid-19 vaccinations (and required booster shots) or face termination. More than 2,000 LAPD officers have submitted religious and medical exemption requests, which have not yet been resolved. If those requests are denied, and the involved officers do not submit to the vaccination process, the number of terminations could rise sharply.
In the information released by the LAPD, there is no suggestion that any of the terminated officers caused a public health issue personally. Such is the case despite the hyperbolic rhetoric advanced by Los Angeles Police Commission President William Briggs at a September 2021 commission meeting. At that time, Briggs attacked the character of all unvaccinated LAPD officers, stating: “They have willfully and intentionally and brazenly endangered the lives of those they have sworn to protect.” Secure 1776 would ask Mr. Briggs: “Bottom line, by terminating these officers was public safety advanced in Los Angeles?” Well from a public health perspective, the benefit is beyond questionable. The vaccines have been proven to neither prevent those who take them from getting the virus, nor prevent those who were “vaccinated” from spreading Covid. For generations, preventing the vaccinated from catching and spreading a virus was the very point of vaccination.
The Key Public Safety Questions Now
Even as the LAPD continues to move forward with the termination of officers for failing to submit to forced vaccinations, both the County of Los Angeles and the City of Los Angeles have begun to end most pandemic response mandates and restrictions for the general public.
As we have noted many times, cops ask questions. If the terminations can no longer be supported by a public health emergency, then why continue to move forward with them? Is it a face-saving strategy on the part of elected and public officials? Is it ego? Is it purely punitive for those who defied their “authority” and remained unvaccinated? What public safety benefit comes from terminating qualified officers, who were not otherwise in violation of any department directives, when in general pandemic mandates and restricts are ending for the public? By continuing to press ahead with career-ending terminations, such would now seem to be a violation of simple logic.
This Was Not Handled Well
As we covered in our post, “Will Truth Prevail? A “Cops Ask Questions” Recommendation,” there is growing scientific evidence questioning the effectiveness and risks associated with the vaccines. The virus is real. But, it continues to be increasingly clear that there are also real concerns about how the pandemic has been handled. The responses imposed on our nation have been a combination of the poorly focused, ineffective, risky, and damaging.
Such extend beyond the public health realm. The economy, the stability of key social institutions, and overall public safety have been damaged. We encourage our followers, who have not viewed the two video resources provided in our 29 January 2022 post, to view them now. The first is a lecture from Dr. Scott Atlas, a renowned medical expert who previously served on the White House Coronavirus Task Force. The second is a 38-minute summary video from a five-hour forum with medical experts held on 24 January 2022. The forum was hosted by United States Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI). Both videos remain instructive on the key issues surrounding the governmental response to the pandemic.
Given that across much (not all) of the country police officers, fire fighters, paramedics, nurses, and doctors have had their careers destroyed or improperly placed in jeopardy over this issue – in the absence a truly valid need – the vaccine mandate terminations at the LAPD, and elsewhere, should cease immediately.
August 2022 Update on Vaccine Damage
So even as hundreds of millions of people around the world were forced to take experimental vaccines, the manufacturers knew the vaccines were not safe. Members of the US military, police officers, and firefighters continue to be among those across America being threatened with termination if they do not submit. Worse the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been complicit in concealing the truth of the beyond troubling data. In just the first 90 days of the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine rollout, thousands of deaths were documented as being directly related to these “vaccines.” The data also show that these vaccines are unsafe for pregnant women. In the 19-minute video below, Steve Deace and Dr. James Throp (a renowned board certified OB/GYN physician) dig into the data from Pfizer and the FDA. The data is not in dispute.
In the video, Dr. Thorp makes general reference to a Pfizer document made public following a FOIA lawsuit. Pfizer and the FDA had sought to keep this and thousands of other reports hidden from public view for 75 years. That document can be downloaded here. The document, which was prepared by Pfizer, covers the period of 1 December 2020 through 28 February 2021. In that initial time period alone, the drug manufacturer reported more than 158,893 adverse events related to their product. As indicated by Dr. Thorp, Table 1 on Page 7 of the report lists 1,223 medically-verified fatalities in just 90 days. Miscarriages are not included in that statistic. Those are mixed into a “recovered” statistic, if the expectant mother survived.
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