Secure 1776 is proud to be working with others to advance public safety and enhance the policing profession. Our collaboration efforts include the following agencies and organizations. Working with others is a key to enhancing the profession.
Collaborations Index

Illinois Missing and Murdered Chicago Women Task Force
In January 2023, the Task Force on Missing and Murdered Chicago Women (MMCW) Act took effect in Illinois. Under the act, the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) was among the agencies and organizations authorized to nominate a task force member.
The ILCAP nominated Secure 1776 founder and former Chicago Police Deputy Chief Thomas Lemmer to serve on the task force. In April, Executive Director Delrice Adams, from the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority (ICJIA), formally approved Lemmer’s appointment.
The task force was created to advise the director of the Illinois State Police (ISP) and the superintendent of the Chicago Police Department (CPD), and to report to the governor and Illinois General Assembly on recommendations to reduce and end violence against Chicago women and girls. The task force may also serve as a liaison between the ISP Director, CPD Superintendent, and agencies and nongovernmental organizations that provide services to victims, victims’ families, and victims’ communities.
The ILACP is the largest association of police executives in Illinois. The group is a leading voice in addressing the state’s public safety challenges. In reflecting on having received the ILACP’s nomination to serve on the MMCW Task Force, Lemmer called it “an honor.”
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Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board – Executive Institute
At the invitation of the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board – Executive Institute (ILETSB-EI), Thomas Lemmer, the founder of Secure 1776, has developed and presented key management accountability content.
Lemmer’s half-day seminar, entitled “Why and How to Measure Police Performance,” has been provided to police chiefs and command staff across Illinois. This training session is part of the Executive Institute’s comprehensive three-week training program: Police Executive Role in the 21st Century (PER21C). Learn more about the ILETSB-EI’s full training program via their 21st Century overview page.
Beyond the institute’s three-week program, our performance measurement principles course can be presented directly to client agencies anywhere in the United States. For more information and to schedule a session, see our accountability course summary page.
From this collaboration effort, Lemmer also developed the full-day seminar entitled, “Engagement that Meets the Mission.” This course covers the related topics of supervisory engagement and management accountability. The comprehensive engagement seminar continues to be offered periodically by the ILESTB-EI. It is also directly available for interested client agencies. For more information and to schedule a session, see our supervision and engagement course summary page.
An Ongoing Collaboration with the ILETSB-EI:
Lemmer has previously developed training for the Executive Institute on the topics of supervisory engagement and the development of a school violence response plan. A one-hour webinar version of the course “Understanding the Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement” was previously available via the ILETSB-EI Online Learning Network. The success of this webinar led the Executive Institute to bring these leadership courses to its in-person programming.
We continued to be honored to work in collaboration with the Executive Institute. In February 2023, a two-hour live webinar was build for the Executive Institute from the inspirational course “So You Ask Yourself: Why Me? Why Now?” Additionally, upcoming seminars for the ILETSB-EI are also drawing upon Lemmer’s Six Police Policy Principles and his Five Keys to Police Misconduct Complaint Investigations. This collaboration continues to foster excellence in the Illinois policing profession.
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Warriors on the Wall
Jim Bontrager, founder of the “Warriors on the Wall,” describes the effort as “a network of like-minded public servants fully engaged in a Heaven-sent mission to bring life and hope to their families, communities and country.”
In addition to running the annual “Breaching the Barricade Law Enforcement Conference,” and an annual police appreciation day, the project actively advances fellowship and life-skills development for law enforcement officers and their families.
Thomas Lemmer, the founder of Secure 1776, is assisting in the effort to better understand the role leadership has within the profession and enhance its positive impact. Leadership is among the most complex and challenging areas of the law enforcement profession. In order for the profession to meet its public safety mission, effective leadership must occur at all levels, and in a manner consistent with community expectations. Strengthening the bonds within policing and between the police and larger community is an all-levels leadership challenge.
Among the collaborative efforts under this project, Lemmer has initiated our comprehensive Leadership Video Series. This series is available here under “Our Published Videos” section and via the Warriors on the Wall site.
The Breaching the Barricade Conference
Mark you calendars now for Friday, 6 October 2023 for the next “Breaching the Barricade” conference. Quoting our founder, “I cannot emphasize enough how this event is something everyone working in (and their spouses) should attend each year. Body, mind, and soul are all a priority in this one-of-a-kind, industry best approach to wellness. From the newest officer, to the chief of police, and actively retired members – and their significant others – this annual event is a place to refresh, recharge, share and prepare to continue the mission.”
Breaching the Barricade 2022
Lemmer presented two sessions at the “Breaching the Barricade” conference on September 30, 2022.
The main stage presentation was, “So you ask yourself why me? Why now?” This session was specifically written with this conference in mind. The emotion-evoking presentation acknowledged the current public safety challenges and dangers.

But more than the challenges, this presentation identified the essential nature of the work performed by the police; reminded those within the profession of the continuing support from most in the community; drew upon inspiration from those who gave the last full measure of devotion; and provided encouragement for the difficult work ahead.
In the breakout session, Lemmer provided an introduction to his Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement Model. The model continues to provide essential guidance to those who manage, direct and assess police supervisors.
Here our promotional video that was prepared for the 2022 conference.
Breaching the Barricade 2021
Lemmer presented two courses at the October 8, 2021 Breaching the Barricade conference. First, the “Responding to a Tragedy-Free Policing, Or Else Standard” course. Second, our “All-Levels Leadership” course, which that builds from of our Leadership Video Series.

You can listen to the audio from Lemmer’s first 2021 session, “Responding to a ‘Tragedy-Fee Policing,’ Or Else Standard,” via this audio player.
You can also listen to the audio from Lemmer’s second 2021 session, “Leadership is an All-Levels Responsibility,” via this second audio player.
We encourage you to watch the 2021 conference and appreciation day three-minute video wrap-up clip. Without question, the annual Breaching the Barricade Conference and Officer Appreciation Day are industry-best events. We are proud to contribute, and we thank Jim Bontrager for his inspirational leadership.
Also view the promo video we prepared for the October 2021 BTB conference. This two-minute video gives an overview of our “Responding to a Tragedy-Free Policing, Or Else Standard” course.
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Law Officer is dedicated to the advancement of the police profession. We are proud to share ideas in this important mission, as well as to make some of our original content available for their use.
Selected Secure 1776 online posts, editorials, research analysis, and training insights have been republished on the Law Officer site. See our Secure 1776 on Law Officer page.
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Other Collaboration Ideas?

Working with others is a key to advancing public safety and enhancing the policing profession. Do you have an idea on where Secure 1776 might participate in another collaboration effort impacting public safety or enhancing the profession? Let us know.
To share your ideas, or to ask for additional information email us at
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