There is still time to register for the next “Breaching the Barricade Conference” on Friday, 6 October 2023. The conference is held annually in Elkhart, Indiana. Quoting our founder: “I cannot emphasize enough how this event is something everyone working in law enforcement should attend each year. Body, mind, and soul are all a priority in this one-of-a-kind, industry best approach to wellness. This is true for the newest officer, to the chief of police, and actively retired members – and their significant others. This annual event is a place to refresh, recharge, share, and prepare to continue the mission.” Lemmer will be giving the opening presentation, as well as a powerful breakout session.
Estimated reading time: 4 minutes
Breaching the Barricade
The conference will be held at the Northern Indiana Event Center on 6 October 2023. The convention center is located at 21565 Executive Pkwy in Elkhart, Indiana. The conference and its companion Officer Appreciation Day are premiere industry events. The appreciation day event will be held in Sturgis, Michigan on Saturday, 7 October 2023. The conference is low cost, and the appreciation day activities are completely covered for all sworn police personnel and their families.

Both experiences are made possible by the vision, work, and mentoring of Jim Bontrager. A U.S. Marine veteran, Jim is a long serving lead police chaplain for the Elkhart Police Department. He is also the president of the International Conference of Police Chaplains.
How? Embracing the Power of Truth
At Bontrager’s invitation, Thomas Lemmer will be presenting the opening session of the conference. This session in entitled, “How? Embracing the Power of Truth.”
In life there is suffering, and evil is real. Understanding these two core truths is essential, particularly for those who have sworn an oath as a peace officer. The role of the police officer was never intended to be an easy one. It was created because evil exists, and suffering is increased when evil is left unchecked.
Yet equally true is this, most police encounters involve people who are not evil. Fortunately, the possibility of redemption is also true. Serving in the role of a peace officer is an honor, and beyond. The role carries with it great responsibilities and great opportunities. Those working in law enforcement can garner great strength from the truth, and the truth is discernible through both reason and faith.
Your Ask Yourself: Why Me? Why Now?
Lemmer will be also presenting his highly-praised session that focuses officers on two key questions. Why me? Why now? Without question, America is in the midst of a public safety crisis. This is a powerful officer wellness and motivational session for all of those who work in law enforcement.
Why me? As noted in 1623 by John Donne, “no man is an island.” Each of us has a key role to play, and all those who have sworn an oath hold a special obligation. While these are exceptionally challenging times, the work our police officers do matters. Is it not when the Constitution, and the very rule of law, are being questioned – and worse – directly undermined – that their oath to defend the Constitution takes on greater – not lesser significance?
“Why now?” First, the nation’s police officers have too often been cast by extreme political forces into the role of “them.” That is to say, activists have sought to deliberately separate the police from the communities they serve. Second, activists have also sought to dismantle the criminal justice system’s ability to hold offenders accountable. Third, within the law enforcement profession, many have grown weary and are questioning how – even whether – they should proceed forward. Action is needed now to repair and safeguard the very fabric of the nation, as a union of livable communities that are both free and safe.
Warriors on the Wall
Lemmer is in his third year of actively working with Jim Bontrager and his Warrior on the Wall efforts. To learn more about these efforts, click here. In addition to running the annual conference and companion police appreciation day, the project actively advances fellowship and life-skills development for law enforcement officers and their families.
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