The founder of Secure 1776, Thomas Lemmer, will once again be presenting at the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) Annual Conference. This year the conference will be held on 24 to 26 April 2024 at the Tinley Park Convention Center. Lemmer will be presenting his powerful and insightful course “Embracing Truth – A Wellness Foundation.” Within the policing profession, the ongoing challenges of officer wellness are a reality. Many police officers believe that their leaders and their communities do not fully understand them or the challenges they face. In this session, conference attendees will be guided into a deeper exploration of how those who have sworn a law enforcement oath can and must embrace the power of truth.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
More on Embracing Truth
In life there is suffering, and evil is real. Understanding these two core truths is essential, particularly for those who serve as peace officers. The role of the police officer was never intended to be an easy one. It was created because evil exists, and suffering is increased when evil is left unchecked. The weight of the work we send our police officers to perform has significant wellness implications.
Yet equally true is this, most police encounters involve people who are not evil. Serving in the role of a peace officer is an honor, and beyond. The role carries with it great responsibilities and great opportunities. Those working in law enforcement can garner great strength from the truth, and the truth is discernible through both reason and faith. Research shows that faith is associated with wellness. The U.S. Department of Justice is among those identifying an active chaplaincy program as a key component within a comprehensive officer wellness approach.
Truth is a Foundation
For each officer there is the opportunity to find great meaning in the service of their work. Every officer has a fundamental responsibility to seek, embrace, and foster the truth. The truth is more than a simple fact. The truth has direct application in the real world and has the power of goodness. During these challenging times another truth is apparent. In fostering officer wellness, police executives must consistently lead from a foundation of truth.
Register and Attend the Conference
Law enforcement personnel, and professionals in related fields and government officials can register for the upcoming ILACP conference here. Lemmer will be presenting in the morning session on Friday, 26 April 2024.

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