Covid-19 pandemic response lockdowns and mandates have come at tremendous cost. In urban areas across America, the pandemic has been blamed for a long list of problems – including rising violence. Some of that blame is a convenient political cover for misguided justice “reform” initiatives, non-prosecutor prosecutors, and unrealistic demands for “tragedy-free” policing. Constitutional rights to speech, assembly, religion and bodily autonomy have been trampled, and science has been corrupted. Among the biggest casualties during the pandemic has been the truth. Secure 1776 hopes to further the cause of truth with a recommendation to view a 26 January 2022 presentation by Dr. Scott Atlas. Quoting Dr. Atlas: “There is no public benefit” to the Covid-19 vaccines (ref. 54:50 in the below video presentation). The benefit is only to the person taking the vaccine – specifically with respect to those individuals with several co-morbidities and who are at high risk of severe illness or death from Covid. Given the risks the vaccines themselves pose – vaccine mandates for otherwise healthy people are not supported by the data. Firing employees (public or otherwise) for not taking the (still experimental) vaccines is beyond unreasonable. Worse, firing unvaccinated police officers, and using the police as the face and muscle of pandemic restrictions enforcement, weakens overall public safety.
Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail?
On 26 January 2022, Hillsdale College posted on their Rumble page a presentation entitled, “The SARS2 Pandemic: Will Truth Prevail?“ The presentation was prepared by Dr. Scott Atlas, a leader in the field of health care policy and a medical expert. For several years he has been sought out by other physicians, scientists, and elected officials for guidance on public health issues. In the video below, he walks through the pandemic response data, as we could only hope that our personal physician would be able to do. The directness and clarity of the presentation is worth every minute of the hour we recommend that you invest. Dr. Atlas begins speaking at the two minute mark of the video. He responds to questions for the remainder of the video, which start at about 1 hour and seven minutes. Be prepared to hear both disturbing and encouraging information. The virus is real. The responses imposed on our nation have been a combination of the poorly focused, ineffective, risky, and damaging.
Your investment in time, and your sharing the of video with others, is a key to answering a vital “cops as questions“ question: “Will truth prevail?”
The false narrative around the pandemic has been even more costly than the pandemic – in lives, liberties, financial security, and public safety. Secure 1776 has provided this video in the defense of truth. We ask our readers to share this video with others.
We also recommend learning more about the Academy for Science and Freedom hosted by Hillsdale College. This initiative seeks: “To educate the American people about the free exchange of scientific ideas and the proper relationship between freedom and science in the pursuit of truth.”
Second Opinion Update – Courtesy of Senator Ron Johnson
There are a handful of elected officials around the country that have furthered the search for truth on Covid pandemic response approaches. Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin is one of these few leader who have gone beyond the official narrative. On January 24, 2022 Senator Johnson held a five-hour forum with medical experts – doctors with worldwide reputations. The group provided critical analysis on “the global pandemic response, the current state of knowledge of early and hospital treatment, vaccine efficacy and safety, what went right, what went wrong, what should be done now, and what needs to be addressed long term.” The 38-minute summary video from the forum is a second essential viewing video.
Once again – the truth about the science – the medical evidence is clear that the mandated group-think responses to the pandemic has been beyond ineffective They have caused and will for decades to come will continue to cause harm. A combination of the official “cures” and the obstruction of available treatments have isolated, depressed, scared beyond reason, isolated, maimed, and killed countless people (for a virus with more than a 99% recovery rate).
Secure 1776 salutes these medical professionals and Senator Johnson for their courage to seek – and speak – the truth.
August 2022 Update on Vaccine Damage
So even as hundreds of millions of people around the world were forced to take experimental vaccines, the manufacturers knew the vaccines were not safe. Members of the US military, police officers, and firefighters continue to be among those across America being threatened with termination if they do not submit. Worse the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been complicit in concealing the truth of the beyond troubling data. In just the first 90 days of the Pfizer Covid mRNA vaccine rollout, thousands of deaths were documented as being directly related to these “vaccines.” The data also show that these vaccines are unsafe for pregnant women. In the 19-minute video below, Steve Deace and Dr. James Throp (a renowned board certified OB/GYN physician) dig into the data from Pfizer and the FDA. The data is not in dispute.
In the video, Dr. Thorp makes general reference to a Pfizer document made public following a FOIA lawsuit. Pfizer and the FDA had sought to keep this and thousands of other reports hidden from public view for 75 years. That document can be downloaded here. The document, which was prepared by Pfizer, covers the period of 1 December 2020 through 28 February 2021. In that initial time period alone, the drug manufacturer reported more than 158,893 adverse events related to their product. As indicated by Dr. Thorp, Table 1 on Page 7 of the report lists 1,223 medically-verified fatalities in just 90 days. Miscarriages are not included in that statistic. Those are mixed into a “recovered” statistic, if the expectant mother survived.
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