Our time on Earth is limited. The length of a life is important, yet far less so than how that life is lived. The impact a person has on and for others is the truest measure. Such is the life lesson Chicago Police Officer Malgorzata Lichwala has shown us all. Maggie, as she is affectionately known by her family, friends, and fellow officers, has long been a force for good. She has done the challenging work of being a police officer in Chicago. As a member of the 25th District Community Policing Office, she has lived what it means to serve others. On this past Tuesday, the police and community gathered outside her Chicago home to honor her. To celebrate her. To say thank you to a woman who has served her community well. Even as Maggie continues to battle terminal cancer, she lives a life of courage and inspiration.
Maggie Lichwala
Those who know Maggie Lichwala describe her in terms that exemplify what it means to be a caring person. In an interview with ABC Chicago, Miriam Rentas captured the thoughts of hundreds of others. Speaking of her friend, Miriam said of Maggie:
“This woman lived it. She talked it. She walked it. And she loved the people, especially the elders. She loved her elders. She loved every individual and she is just an amazing daughter. She is an amazing mother, an amazing friend and an amazing sister, and she truly is the definition of what it is to just love.”
Words and Images
Secure 1776 was privileged to be among the hundreds of officers, neighbors, friends, and others who gathered as a community to honor veteran Chicago Police Officer Maggie Lichwala. August 23rd was a beautiful day. Love and beauty were on full display. So too were courage, concern for others, gratitude, and compassion. It was a scene that words cannot fully describe.
It has long been said, a picture is worth a thousand words. Here in our “Photo Essay,” we seek to join so many others in honoring a life. We seek to join those saying thank you to Maggie Lichwala. Well done true and faithful servant. We pray God’s blessings upon you.
Well done to all those who helped to arrange and participate in this moving tribute to Maggie.
Chicago Police Chaplains Ministry
We once again salute the Chicago Police Chaplains Ministry for their support to all of Chicago’s police officers and their families. We thank Rabbi Moshe Wolf for his words of strength, healing, encouragement, and faith. We also acknowledge the uplifting presence of Chaplain Joe Jackson and his ongoing work through the CPD Cancer Care Ministry. If you or someone you know is in need of more information on this important outreach effort, click on the link below.
Update 8 September 2022
This evening, 8 September 2022, were learned that Maggie Lichwala passed away today. Her presence will be missed and her impact with her family, friends, and community will endure.
Pray for Maggie, her family, and all those who love her.
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