Secure 1776 is proud to have our course content presented at some of the industry’s most engaging training conferences. Highlighted below are selected training conferences and events that Thomas Lemmer and Secure 1776 associates have conducted training or have been scheduled to present.
Not all events are listed, and each listed conference has its own admission procedures. Generally, these events are restricted to law enforcement personnel other public safety professionals.
[Note: Past event postings are included as a training resource reference.]
We highly-encourage viewing our Leadership Video Series.
Breaching the Barricade Conference 2022
The 28th Annual Breaching the Barricade Law Enforcement Conference will be held on 30 September 2022, at the Lerner Theater, in Elkhart, Indiana. The conference and its companion Officer Appreciation Day are premiere industry events made possible by the vision, work, and mentoring of Jim Bontrager. The appreciation day event will be held in Sturgis, Michigan on Saturday, 1 October 2022. A U.S. Marine veteran, Jim is a long serving lead police chaplain for the Elkhart Police Department. At Bontrager’s invitation, Thomas Lemmer will be presenting again at the conference. [Click this link to read more about this event and the training presented.]
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Supervisory Engagement, Lemmer Presenting at ILACP 2022 Annual Conference
The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) Annual Conference was held on 27 to 29 April 2022 in Northbrook, Illinois. Thomas Lemmer, Founder of Secure 1776 and the creator of the “Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement,” presented at the conference. A fundamental truth of organizations, including law enforcement agencies, is that underperforming and problem employees exist. When the underperforming or problem employee is a supervisor, the need for the organization to respond is elevated. This is true even when supervisors are merely ineffective, as ineffective supervisors foster a less effective workforce. However, the impact on the agency is even worse, when supervisors do not support the organization’s values, goals, and strategies. A 90-minute conference version of the course, “Understanding the Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement,” will be provided to law enforcement executives. Through this course, leaders will have a solid introduction to the model and enhanced skills from which to foster supervisory excellence within their agencies. [Click this link to read more about this event and the training presented.]
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Breaching the Barricade Conference 2021
The 27th Annual Breaching the Barricade Law Enforcement Conference was held on 8 October 2021 in Elkhart, Indiana. Secure 1776 Founder Thomas Lemmer presented at the conference. He spoke on the critical role of police-community relations and recent efforts to divide the community from the police. Such efforts have harmed public safety. Take a look at this brief introductory video for more information on this presentation at the conference.
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Our Training and Consulting Services
Secure 1776 provides direct client training, consulting, research, and analytical service options. Core areas of expertise include community policing, juvenile crime, gangs, violence, patrol operations, police and public safety policy development, internal investigations, supervisory engagement, and management accountability. Go to our Training and Consulting Services Tab now to learn more.