The Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police (ILACP) Annual Conference will be held on 27 to 29 April 2022 in Northbrook, Illinois. Thomas Lemmer, Founder of Secure 1776 and the creator of the “Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement,” will be presenting at the conference. A fundamental truth of organizations, including law enforcement agencies, is that underperforming and problem employees exist. When the underperforming or problem employee is a supervisor, the need for the organization to respond is elevated. This is true even when supervisors are merely ineffective, as ineffective supervisors foster a less effective workforce. However, the impact on the agency is even worse, when supervisors do not support the organization’s values, goals, and strategies. A 90-minute conference version of the course, “Understanding the Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement,” will be provided to law enforcement executives. Through this course, leaders will have a solid introduction to the model and enhanced skills from which to foster supervisory excellence within their agencies.
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Upcoming and Recent Offerings of This Vital Training
Law enforcement personnel, and professionals in related fields and government officials can register for the upcoming ILACP conference here.
In collaboration with the ILETSB-EI, Illinois certified law enforcement officers in 2021 were able to take a one-hour webinar version of this course via the ILETSB-EI’s Online Learning Network. The state training board has since returned to in-person learning for this course. Lemmer has previously presented on the topic of supervisory engagement for the ILACP in 2021, as well as for the Illinois Sheriff’s Association in February 2022.
Additionally, a seminar version of this supervisory engagement course has been paired with a course on management accountability. The full-day professional seminar is designed for law enforcement command personnel and executives, as well as public officials with public safety responsibilities. The full-day seminar is entitled, “Engagement That Meets the Mission.” Most recently, the ILETSB-EI hosted this seminar for over 50 Illinois leaders in law enforcement on 24 March 2022.
Learn more about the “Eight Levels of Supervisory Engagement,” and the available course training options, as well as how to schedule a session for your agency, on our “learn more” information page.

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