Thomas Lemmer, the founder of Secure 1776, will once again be presenting at the Midwest Security & Police Conference/Expo (MSPCE). The annual two-day event is hosted by the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police. MSPCE 2023 will be held this week, on 10 and 11 August 2023, at the Tinley Park Convention Center, in Tinley Park, Illinois. The expo will showcase the latest products and services from more than 130 vendors. The event also includes a comprehensive training conference accredited by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board. Lemmer will be presenting two of the conference training sessions on 10 August. The first, “You Ask Yourself, Why Me? Why Now?” The second, “Leadership and the Police Policy Principles.”
Estimated reading time: 3 minutes

Attend MSPCE for Free
Registration for all law enforcement and security personnel is completely free. Registration is required, but is still open. Go here now to register.
This is an excellent professional development opportunity. It is also an opportunity for police executives to sample training courses that can be brought directly to their agency’s personnel.
You Ask Yourself Why Me? Why Now?
For those within the profession who are questioning their place in this challenging time, this training provides an opportunity to refocus and recharge. Without question, America is in the midst of a public safety crisis. The nation is sharply divided politically, and public service has often been the focus of far more criticism than gratitude.
So, in this challenging environment, it is not surprising that many police officers, deputy sheriffs, state troopers and others within the law enforcement profession – from frontline officers to agency chiefs – have asked themselves two questions. Why me? Why now? The presentation was created as an officer wellness, emotional strength development, and mission support resource.
This 90-minute MSPCE session will be held in North Pavilion 2 at 8:30 am on Thursday, 10 August 2023. Learn more about this topic here.
Leadership and the Police Policy Principles
Police executives must ensure their policy efforts advance the highest professional standards. An agency’s policies directly impact its ability to achieve meaningful crime prevention, effective responses to violence, and overall enhanced public safety. Bad policies can destroy officer morale, misdirect resources, complicate procedures, create inefficiencies, and impede effectiveness.
Bad policies can cost millions in civil damages, litigation defense, and remediation efforts. In policing, officer safety should always be a priority concern, and bad policies can, and do, place individual members at risk. Bad policies can cost lives. Bad policies can also undermine the very public safety mission of a police department.
Each law enforcement agency should ensure that all of its policies (and their associated procedures, rules, and written directives): (1) Rest upon a foundation that is both consistent with and supports Constitution and the law. (2) Are focused on setting the best possible trainable and attainable standards. (3) Are based upon principles that embrace six core pillars: Clarity, Courage, Consistency, Confidence, Consensus and Capacity.
This 90-minute MSPCE session will be held in North Pavilion 4 at 10:30 am on Thursday, 10 August 2023. Learn more about this topic here.
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