Going back to the ancient Greeks, there are two main types of stories, comedies and tragedies. The 1993 film, “Groundhog Day,” is a comedy set in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, a peaceful community that takes local pride in its annual celebration of Groundhog Day. In the film comedy, Bill Murray’s character relives the same Groundhog Day, each day, for a very long time. Hadleyville, as we have discussed here many times, is the setting for the film, “High Noon.” What we are seeing play out in Chicago is a tragedy on par of “Groundhog Day in Hadleyville.” There a community relives violent weekend after violent weekend in a lawless cycle. Groundhog Day in Hadleyville is a shameful community experience. On this point, let us consider a sampling of what we have witnessed just since our posting on 1 September 2021. [Click the link below to read more.]